It’s time to begin matching for the 2015 Winter Host Programs. The China Photo Listing is currently available and the Philippines and Latvia are soon to follow.
Contact one of our hosting coordinators today to learn how you can be a part of our upcoming Hosting Programs.
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We are on the rollercoaster ride of a hosting trip, and it’s turning out to be a bit literal this go around. Kayley and I have had the pleasure of seeing much of the Latvian countryside as our (super stellar, patient, wonderful!) guide and hosting representative Karina drove us to meet the children around different parts of the country. What we didn’t expect were the back country roads that remind us a lot about the rural parts of Texas. Dirt and gravel kicked up everywhere, and dust flew up behind us as we jostled up and down in the car. I hit the lottery of getting the middle seat, so I had the added benefit of a seat belt buckle in my back for most of the ride! This is the Latvian Hosting Team – we all made it on our bumpy ride.
No pain, no gain – the ride was worth it! We met with a number of kiddos at midday, but one young lady stood out to us. She told us her favorite subject is math, and that when she grows up, she wants to go into something likes statistics. She was quick with her answers and told us that she would love to come to America to improve her English. Many of the children expressed this desire, and most had some understanding of the language but were too shy to talk to us!
After a quick lunch in a picturesque village, we hopped back in the car for another, quite bumpy, hour and a half to meet another group of kiddos. We met an amazingly sweet sibling pair, an 11 year old girl and her 8 year old brother. The sister was so supportive of her brother and they were both sweet, well-behaved, and kind. At the foster home the children stay at, the children offered us the raspberries and cherries that grew in their garden and walked us around to show us flowers that they help to grow! We’ve been beyond impressed by how kind all of the children we have met so far have been – Latvian children are sweet and loving…and very excited to meet American host families! I particularly love them because they told me I look twenty today! Thanks kids!
Our Latvia photolisting will launch for early applied families starting Monday, August 10! Your application must be in to get early access to the photolisting. The photolisting will launch for all families starting Friday, August 15.
Keep following us to see more updates from the Latvia interview trip!
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The official launch of the Winter 2015 Hosting Program is underway! Kayley and I (along with our fearless leader, Snow!) hopped on a plane early Monday morning around 8:30 am, and on an essentially non-stop intake of coffees in airports and on planes, we went straight to work when we arrived here in Riga at 11:00 am Tuesday morning. It’s strange to chase the sun around the world but exciting to get to know we’ll be meeting the children who will touch the lives of so many families this winter!
Latvia is a beautiful country, and we have the best guides in Karina and Evita to show us all the historic landmarks and museums. Compared to Texas, the weather is beautiful! The countryside is filled with lush green trees and flowers bloom all around.
We met our first amazing kiddo in a small but bright orphanage with green painted walls and a piano standing in the corner. Caught in the middle of a nap, the sweet little lady we were interviewing came to the table rubbing her eyes and looking at her caretaker for guidance. She told us her favorite movies are Rapunzel and Frozen, and that her best friend lives with her at the center, and they share a room.
After another hour trip, we met a group of girls, including a sweet pair of sisters! The older sister told us that, though she was allowed to pick on her sister, no one else could pick on her! She was a confident little lady who told us that she secretly likes the idea of being someone’s younger sister herself. She’d do great a host family with older siblings to play with! Both of the sisters told us they want to come to America to improve their English. She drew us a cute narwhal photo!
All of the children today spoke English, and most of them spoke very well. They are excited to improve in speaking with their new host families. While we can’t post photos of the children on the interview trip, I can say that any family would be lucky to host any of the girls we met today.
Tomorrow is another full day of riding in the car meeting groups of children who hope to be a part of a host family this winter. Stay tuned to hear more about these wonderful kids and what they hope to learn in America, and contact us at if you’re interested in our Winter Hosting Program!
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With the Hosting Programs successfully under way, we have a number of amazing children who are being advocated for this summer. These are children with the potential to be a part of a forever family, and we would love to talk to you about how they are doing in the hosting program. If you’re interested in finding out more about hosting advocacy and about potential adoption, please get in touch with us at or!
A week into the program and so many of our hosting children are doing amazingly with their families! It’s great to hear the personal stories of these children’s growth and what they add to the lives of their host families.
Here are some testimonies from our wonderful host families from their favorite moments with the children.
See some of our kids’ photos below, and if you are interested in being a part of the next hosting program, get in touch with us at!
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Each and every one of our families has an amazing story to tell – the journey to find their child is one we don’t often get to see from beginning to end. Watch this family’s story as they meet their daughter for the first time! Our hosting program gives us a peek not only into how the lives of these wonderful children are changed but into how the children change our lives as well! Find out more about our Hosting Programs and learn how you can be an Orphan Warrior!
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This summer’s hosting adventure has officially begun! Kayley, Cayce, and I began the journey Sunday afternoon on the drive from Austin to Houston. We wanted to hit the road early to be ready first thing Monday morning refreshed and ready to go with plenty of time to spare. Lists in hand, families ready to go, we braced ourselves for what we knew was going to be an unforgettable day.
Bright and early, we hit the ground running, barely containing our composure as our anxiety, eagerness, and nervousness began to build. News stations had gotten word of our program and were already calling us for details about the day. That’s when the excitement really set in – this is really happening! The kids are COMING! We must have shouted it at least a dozen times in the car as we made our way to IAH that incredible day.
We did a quick drive through to determine what the terminal distance looked like and what we were likely facing. So many questions ran through our heads: would the kids be able to get from the international terminal to the domestic in time? What about the delay we knew about that had set the children back about an hour? Kayley and Cayce stopped off at the domestic terminals to pick up gate passes from the incredibly helpful staff at the IAH Airport, and I headed over to the International Arrivals pickup where I knew families would be arriving in just a few hours to meet hteir children. A long time family friend of mine also showed up – it’s amazing how much support these incredible children have throughout our communities.
We found the perfect area to hang the banner, moved some seating around, and made ourselves at home. United was INCREDIBLE issuing us gate passes in order to escort the little ones, and boy that was a relief! With three groups departing from Houston to continue on their last leg of their journey to their host families, we knew we needed to help get the children where they needed to go as quickly as possible. Settled in, we began reflecting: 30 kids, 4 adult chaperones, 16 families, 3-4 news crews, ok… we can do this! At one point, Cayce and I checked our heart rates (well over 100!) and took a deep breath to steady our nerves.
It seemed as though traffic was everywhere around Houston and two families were stuck on their way from Dallas, the entire freeway was shut down. We tried to ease their nerves, knowing that their anticipation of meeting their kiddos and the stress of being late would be so much to bear.
Just as families started to arrive, the media began to show up, too! News stations from different parts of Texas could not believe how many stories each one of our families had to tell about their journey. We stated over and over again, EVERY hosting program has these same types of families – ones with big hearts who are willing and ready to help the children who need it most in these orphanages.
After waiting, watching, and hoping, finally it happened! The kids landed at 4:28 pm (we know because we kept staring at the clock!), almost an hour late. Just in time, one of the families who had been stuck in the Dallas traffic arrived. We soon began lining up to wait from them to come through the door of the customs check, not one of us wanting to miss the arrival of the kiddos through the door. We waited 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes. Obviously, getting 30 orphans through customs was taking a little bit longer than we hoped. Cayce stop on her tip toes staring through the door with a few other parents, and then finally, we see the little red shirts all in a group! At about quarter to six, the children walked through those sliding doors to the cheers and tears of the families waiting there for them! Some of them waved, a few of them ran to their families waiting with posters held high. It was one of the happiest moments I’ve had the privilege to witness, and there were very few dry eyes even amongst the passerby.
For Kayley, Cayce, and I, there wasn’t quite as much time to feel everything we wanted to. Looking back, the hour after the children’s arrival feels like a blur. Kayley immediately grabbed the chaperones and kids for one flight to run to meet their domestic connection; Cayce grabbed the other group and dashed to another terminal.
As I saw each child’s face, my heart burst as I remembered seeing their sweet faces just months ago in their orphanage. I couldn’t believe it, they were finally here! We spent some time corralling the children, making sure everyone was with their family. There were some sweet moments, some teary moments, and some unforgettable moments. I watched as parent’s embraced their soon be children for the first time, and my heart warmed for them. I watched young kids meet strangers and take them like it was nothing. I had to pinch myself to remind myself that everything around me was actually happening.
Many families were able to depart quickly and start their official hosting journey. Some of the children needing some coaxing – the reality that they were in a foreign place with strange people really setting in. We had prepared the families for these kinds of fears, and the resilience these families showed, to stand by the children and wait to be the person who was there to hug them, hold them, and love them was indescribable.
For one family, arrival day was a true testament to their commitment. They had been stuck for five hours in the traffic outside of Houston. Cayce met them downstairs to bring them up to their kiddo, and it was clear that the stress of the day had taken its toll. Despite all they had been through, both parents and all of their kiddos were THRILLED to finally be there, finally be arriving to see their child waiting at the airport. And what a cool little dude he is!
Finally, with everyone where they needed to be, we looked at each other and were able to see the exhaustion (emotional and physical) in each others’ eyes. After 10 straight hours in an airport, we decided to stay in Houston. We settled some baggage issues and then went on our way to stay at my mom’s house for the evening, who, like the amazing woman she is, had hot pizza waiting for us (THANKS MOM!). She also already had the TV up and on record – we were on the news! We sat squealing in front of the television, pizza in hand, as the amazing stories of these children and families scrolled on the screen.
Without any further hitches, we received confirmation one after another that all the rest of our 14 kiddos had made it safely to their destination. It’s been a whirlwind, and we are happy to say that we’ve received countless stories already from the families with updates. While orphan hosting is not always sunshine and rainbows, it shouldn’t be. These are children who have been through some tough experiences, and standing by them is what makes these families the true Orphan Warriors they are. We will continue to keep you posted on how the children are doing – for now, enjoy the awesome photos!
Check out KHOU Houston’s News Story
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TO ANSWER A COMMON QUESTION: WHY ADVOCATE TO BRING A CHILD INTO YOUR HOME, TO MATCH HIM WITH A FAMILY? HERE’S OUR STORY: The day was April 13, 2013. Stefan and I flew into Beijing the day before, and this was the trip to bring Max into our family. We were there to visit the orphanage our son Max grew up in. At the time, Max was 23 months old. He had 2 surgeries while there, and his orphanage was exemplary. The nanny/child ratio there was 1:2, which is unheard of in China. He was in a high-need medical facility, and only the most fragile children were admitted. We arrived on that day, anxious to see where Max lived. Max was not there, since he was transferred back to his state run orphanage, which is protocol for Chinese children, before they are adopted. But Stefan and I wanted to experience his surroundings and personally thank his nannies who took care of him. We got our tour of the facility, and we did thank his nannies, the founder of the facility, and his nurses. After that, we got to play with the children who resided there.
That’s when my life changed forever. We were surrounded by cute, smart, medically fragile children, who were happy, playful, and full of spunk. They were like countless other children who we knew back in the US. BUT there was something missing for them. They had no family. They had no parents who would go to the end of the earth to take care of them. They deserved a family. They had none. Most children did not have a family working to bring them home. Most were available for adoption. But there were simply no families to come forward for them. If left in China, they would ‘age out’ at 14 years old. They would live on the streets. With no blood lines, and no social structure, they lived in a culture that has no value for a person without blood lines. My heart hurts thinking of all the children left on the streets, to join gangs, to be sold for sex, to be left to survive in any way they can, with no hope.
On that day, when we waved good bye to the orphanage founder, and drove off, back to our hotel, to then fly to Max’s home province, we knew we would never be the same. Our view of our world had changed. We felt empowered to make a difference. The orphan problem is a world problem, and we couldn’t solve it all. But we can make a small change, whatever that may be. Our hearts are led to advocating for orphans. There are many families who we know who would make great adoptive parents. That’s how we were led to take a leap of faith, and advocate for an orphan, and hopefully, help facilitate in him finding his forever family. Stefan and I can not adopt them all. And believe me, some of those faces I met on April 13th still haunt me in the middle of the night. But we can broaden our circle of advocacy, and create a community who supports orphan care. We are walking this road, not really knowing who will step forward. But in our hearts, we feel that someone will. And then the circle of orphan care immediately gets larger. More people will be aware of the plight of orphans. More people will then advocate. And that’s why we are doing it. To broaden our circles of advocacy. We hope you will help in getting the word out for this one person, Jacob. And for those of you who never thought you may need to adopt a 12 year old boy, please follow your heart, where ever that leads. One of my favorite quotes is, “We can not change the world. But we can change the world of one person.”
We will be posting on Facebook daily. If you would like to casually meet Jacob, please PM Stefan or me, or email us:, We have cleared our calendar, with our priority in broadening our advocacy circle, to find this one boy, a family. For those of you who are not FB friends, you can follow Jacob’s journey at
We fully funded Jacob’s Hosting $4300 of expenses ($$3300 + $1000 in expense to fly into LGA). We held fundraisers, and were amazed at the amount support we received by those in our community. Many people were like, “You are really brave to do this, and we love what you’re doing….how can we help?”
Thanks for following Jacob’s Journey, we can’t wait to see him come home forever!
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In less than a week, the children for our China Summer Hosting Program will arrive to meet their families. At the same time, we will begin helping the next group of children who will be here this winter. The reality is that there are always older orphans around the world who need families and will benefit from hosting. We call this our ongoing journey because the fight to get children out of the orphanages and into a permanent family is one that is always ongoing.
Our China Winter Hosting Photolisting will be launching soon, and families with applications on file prior to launch will have first access to see the amazing kiddos who will be available. If your family is interested in hosting this winter and has specific desires about the type of kiddo you’d like to host, get your application in now. This will ensure you get the best match with your hosting child and will get you started on the amazing journey that is hosting sooner! If you’d like to speak with our hosting staff about some of the children, contact us at today!
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Are you following our families’ summer journeys with their hosting kiddos, yet? If not, use the hashtag #HostingHappenings to keep up with fresh news about how hosting effects the lives of children and families alike this summer!
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