Greetings from China!

I must admit this trip kind of snuck up on me and I still can’t believe we have already begun meeting out first group of children.

Normally I would never want to leave the states when our host kiddos are here but we are thrilled to be in a new region and we had to go on China’s time so here I am. It’s a bit quicker trip than normal but I am thrilled to be reunited with my travel companion, Celese!

I think I am getting used to the 13 hours flights because I feel like I blinked and I was in Beijing. I spent a night in Beijing and then took the four our flight to Urumqi where I met Celese.

I have been told how lucky I am to go to Urumqi, I have been anticipating this trip for quite some time. There are not very many International adoptions in this region and I am excited to be a part of making that change. Our guide here Lily, is guide for many adoptive families that travel to this region. She told us last year there were less than 20 adoptions in this region and in our first day we met almost 20 kids that we think would do great in the hosting program! There are a lot of domestic adoptions done with the younger kids in this area but like everywhere, it’s the older kids that get passed over and wait. It’s these older kids that need a voice, it’s these older kids that need to know what it’s like to be a kid, it’s these older kids that my heart aches for.

So this morning I am sitting here looking out the window at the dancing nannies in the streets the beautiful snow capped mountains in the distance and I can’t wait to get back to the states to be the voice for all of these kiddos.

20112252918This adorable young man stuck out to me yesterday, his smile was infectious! He told us when he grows up he wants to be a musician. He is so smart and was so excited to talk to us and sing for us. He was born with Spina Bifida and Cerebral Palsy so he doesn’t walk straight but I don’t think he realizes it cause he is so determined and such a happy kid. He has been at the orphanage his entire life and at 11 years old, I can only imagine where he could be now if he had started physical therapy when he was younger. So he needs a family that loves music like he does and can teach him to play all of the instruments, because that’s what he wants to accompany his beautiful singing voice! Stay tuned for that video but for now check out his precious smile!

We are off to meet several kiddos today and I hope to write again tonight.

(Pardon typos and such, usually I have Cayce to brush up my blogs back home, but as our schedules have it, she is in Latvia and I am in China)


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