Don’t Get Scared Away!
Don’t let the fears of orphan hosting scare you away! We understand the fears of getting too attached and of having to give a child back. They’re valid fears. We’ve all seen the memorable, touching moments that can come from hosting an orphan through our hosting program. The first hugs, trips to exciting places, and moments of pure joy and love that comes from being with a real family. These are all positive aspects of hosting that we want our host families to experience.
Our host families are doing great things for these children, but are sometimes faced with concerns from family and friends, instead of reassurance and encouragement. We want to provide you with a solid understanding about hosting an orphan with your family so that you can focus on the good you are doing while sharing this life-changing experience with your amazing host child!
The Beginning and the End
Many talk about the concern of a child becoming bonded to your family during hosting, and then experiencing the devastation of having to return them to Latvia. It is natural for you and your host child to be sad when this happens. It is important to consider a few things, though.
More than likely, you will share with your host child many firsts. These are beautiful memories for you both to cherish and hold close! For these children, these experiences are new and exciting, and will help them develop with the support and love they need. Playing at the park and learning to ride bikes is not just about having fun; it’s making a lasting connection that will change their perspectives of life! Everyone needs to be nurtured and cared for, especially the children who have not had that until now. The days leading up to departure day will be hard, but not the end. Many families will remain in contact with their host child after they leave!
Why Should My Family Host An Orphan?
Every child deserves to be loved and encouraged. Hosting changes their life, forever. These are just a few of the great things that happen when you welcome a child into your home as they have been alone in the world without a family.
Everyone needs to be cared for and loved to live well, and this shows us how worthwhile it is to take that leap of faith and give a child who needs a family a chance. The hosting program gives an orphan more than just a fun summer but hope for a brighter future.
Possible Family Ties
The issue of already existent biological families is quite common in our Latvia program, and can definitely raise concern to a host family. The majority of the children we work with are in orphanages and no longer see their families.
Host families can also be a support system in an orphan’s life. Children grow attached to family figures in their life, biological, or not. You are the voice for the orphans that would otherwise not be heard. Our goal is to help them find the families that can provide them with much needed care and love, through hosting. There is great potential for their future when they have a host family!
Will The Child Remember Our Family?
The children hosted deeply cherish the experience of being loved by a family. A way to give the child something to remember the experience and your family is to make a memory book. A memory book has pictures of the child, your family, pets, places you visit, letter from the family, etc. The book is important in helping the child remember the hosting experience and how your family left a positive impact.
Is your family ready to host a child this Winter? View our photo listing to learn more about the children and apply today!
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Top 5 Questions About Hosting
Orphan Hosting is a life-changing experience that gives children an opportunity to be loved by a family. As you consider opening your heart and home for the summer, our hosting team is available to answer your questions.
1. Am I eligible to host?
Here are the requirements for our Latvia hosting program:
Citizenship: One parent must be a US citizen, residing in the US.
Age: Generally between 29-60 years old, depending on the age and special needs of the child, if any.
Marital Status: Single women or men and married couples are generally eligible for Latvia.
Criminal History: Applicants with a criminal history of child abuse, violence, or domestic violence are not eligible to host.
Health: Host parents must be in good health with no major medical or psychological concerns.
2. Do the children know English?
English varies with each child. Typically they know at least a few phrases, while some of them are fluent. All of the children are eager to learn more!
3. Are the children healthy?
The majority of the children in the hosting program are healthy. If they have some type of health concern, then it will be stated within their file.
4. What is the time length of the summer hosting?
The hosting program is for 4-5 weeks during the Winter (typically between mid-December and mid-January).
5. If I cannot Host a Child, Can I still help?
YES, YES, YES! We are always looking for hosting advocates to spread the word about the program to friends, family, community and others on social media. Other opportunities also include hosting a chaperone, volunteering as an airport coordinator, or being a backup host family! Click here to learn how you can get involved.
If you would like more information on our Latvia Hosting Program, contact our Program Coordinator at info@orphanhosting.com
Winter matching is coming soon: start your application and get access to our photo listing to learn about available kids!
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Hosting Older Children
All of the children in our Latvia Orphan Hosting program deserve a loving host family, but the older children are often left behind or overlooked simply because of their age. However, these kids deserve a chance as much as any child! They’re excited to be chosen by a host family. These children are eager to step out of their world and have new experiences. For families who host older children, the rewards are immense. Here are reasons to host an older child:
They Speak More English
Typically the older children can speak some English, and all of them are eager to learn more while they’re hosted in the US.
2. They Want To Be Hosted
Older children in our program decide to be a part of orphan hosting. They know what they’re missing in life- a family that cares about them. These kids truly want to experience what it’s like to be part of a loving family.
3. They Can Have More Fun!
With older children, you can participate in all kinds of fun indoor and outdoor activities! Some ideas for Winter fun include ice skating, snowball fights, helping you bake or sledding.
4. They Can Share Their Culture With You
Older children can share what their life is like back home with you and teach you about Latvian culture. In return, they’re excited to learn about American culture!
5. They Need The Opportunity For A Brighter Future
Hosting an older child is an opportunity to positively change their life forever. Because they’re older, there is a sense of urgency for them to find a family to call their own. Hosting older children gives them a feeling of being loved, even if it is for a short time.
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